
上海洋服的男裝洋服採用一流的材料製成,精巧地手工製成古典或現代風格。上海洋服始終關注著全球時尚界。高級營業經理經常在香港,英國和美國之間穿梭,以便將最新的流行時款帶回店舖。 高級營業經理還從小就接受了上海的裁縫培訓。他了解不同類型客戶的需求,並關注每個客戶,尤其是那些身材獨特且渴望特別剪裁的客戶。

The Senior Sales Manager also received his Shanghai tailoring training from childhood. He understands the needs of different types of customers, and pays attention to each of them, especially those with odd sizes and a desire for the uniqueness in wearing apparel.


為女士們製作服裝對上海洋服的員工來說具有特殊的意義。面料,顏色和樣式的多樣性和組合允含無限的創造力。因此,這需要仔細注意個人需求。我們確保由一名指定裁縫師為每名進入上海洋服的顧客提供一條龍服務,直到她滿意地離開我們的店鋪。 上海洋服致力為女士顧客提供各種絲綢,錦緞和專為女性品味而設計的印花布料。在該部門,營業經理親自監督所有設計和生產。他確保在所有運營過程中始終保持最高的質量標準。他還是公認的色彩顧問,可為女士的色彩組合和面料搭配提供巧妙的建議。所有這些都是提高了上海洋服s對顧客的價值,並對工藝,質量和價格的信心打下了堅實的基礎。

Baron Kay’s maintains a firm commitment to serving its lady patrons with a wide array of silks, brocades and prints designed expressly for feminine tastes. In this department, the Sales Manager personally oversees all designs and production. He ensures that the top standard of quality is maintained throughout in all operations. He is also a recognized color consultant providing artful advice on ladies’ color combinations and fabric matching. The total of these activities enhances Baron Kay’s value to customer and provides a firm foundation for confidence in workmanship, quality and price